Sunday, February 21, 2010


Alma got to hang out with her Auntie Amy and Cousin Hayden for a week.  It was great to have another little kiddo in the house.  Joshua enjoyed pulling out his Legos and playing with Hayden.  Simon also loved playing with Hayden, although I'm not sure either participant understood what the other was doing.

This Sunday we went to Mass at St. Joseph's Pro-Cathedral in Camden and Alma had the chance to meet more members of our Camden family, Rosa Ramirez and Monseigneur McDermott.
In other news, we made a make-shift entertainment center for Alma using all of the fun hanging toys we have received as gifts and a hula hoop.  She seems to love it.
She has been in a good mood this week.  Much better than last week when she started the week with a doctor's appointment which included a ton of shots.  She weighed in at 13 lbs, 8oz and 22.25 inches.  She is happily in the 97 percentile for weight.  That's what eating every two hours will do for you.

Look at how cute she is in this hat from my fomer boss, Jenelle, of Mapel Boutique
Parenting is great fun ...

...but still rather tiring.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Throw-back onesies ROCK.

Onesie Stats:
   1979 Laura's outfit
   1983-186 Clothing for Brianna the Stuffed Bear
   2010 Alma's outfit
Conclusion: Awesome

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Life with Joshua has been wonderful.  All the large events that happened since we met (moving cross country, marriage, school, buying a house, having a baby) along with all the small daily moments of love (rubbing my feet every night of our pregnancy, daily phone calls to check in with one another, running errands together since we hate to be apart) have created a stockpile of happy memories.  Sure, there have been challenges -- owning an older home or training a hyperactive dog are just two examples that come to mind.  However, we are blessed to know that we are fully invested in our joint future. 

A family member once called our love "revolutionary".  I have embraced how wonderful that description is.  It has been great to love with all my heart and know the feelings are returned as fully. 

And now our revolutionary love gets to continue on to the next generation with Alma. 

Joshua and I have recently been marveling that five years ago when we first saw each other (and even before then) Alma's potential existed in both of us.  It's neat to think that maybe her spirit has been just waiting around for us to get our own dramas and events out of the way before joining us.  How great that, in a sense, this little being who makes us feel even more in love with each other has always been with us. 

Love you, Joshua.  Thanks for being my life partner and Alma's fantastic father!

Friday, February 12, 2010


This week in honor of the metric ton of snow we received in the last week, I thought that we should highlight the beautiful quilts and other amazing blankets Alma has been given by all the women who love her.
My former Seattle roommate, Krista, made this great quilt and even sewed the fabric's design on the back.  Alma has been rockin' the tummy time workouts on the quilt.
Bridgette and Brian gave us this soft-as-heck stroller blanket for Christmas.  I'm admittedly obsessed with soft material so I've already started using it when Alma and I take naps together.  It is so soothing.
My good friend Tara made this beautiful quilt which includes lots of fun fabrics.  I love the owls!  It is hanging in the nusery and it adds a lot of cheer to the space.
My best friend Erica made this fleece blanket (along with a great hooter-hider, which I use when breast feeding in public).  I was laughing with Erica that her fleece skills have improved greatly .... when we were young and silly (middle school?), Erica made me a pair of fleece pants by tracing my legs as I was laying on her mother's dining room table.  Needless to say, they didn't fit well ... but I still wore them ALL the time. 
Shawn, a fellow Temple University master's student, is in the midst of making a crazy log cabin quilt.  Since Joshua and I had originally wanted Alma's nursery to have a lady bug theme, the quilt includes little lady bugs in the middle of each block.  Shawn is a tremendously talented quilter ... she once quilted a map of a local stream!  I'll be sure to post a photo of the finished project.  (No hurry, Shawn!!)

How impressive that these women would take time out of their busy schedules to make something so personal for our babe.  Each time we received one, I have cried at the thoughtfulness of the gesture.  It is overwhelming to feel so loved. 

Plus, I love that it is a way to send some comfort and warmth across the country.  We will treasure each of these quilts and blankets for many years to come.
What a lucky gal -- so loved!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Our Little Mama

Many people have asked us how Alma got her name. Sometimes we wonder the same.

During the course of the pregnancy, we talked about many names. While Joshua was open to anything (with occasional strong vetoes to certain names), my taste varied greatly and daily. Honestly, Joshua had a difficult time keeping up with our running list because it changed so often and so widely. Since we didn't find out the gender beforehand, we had to work on finding two suitable names. The boy's selection was easily decided.  However, I just couldn't seem to decide on a girl's name.

Before I was pregnant, I went through stages of liking Elliott and then Sasha. When I was first pregnant, I was sure our little girl would be a Monica. Towards the middle of the pregnancy, I was stuck on Natalie. However, this is with tons of Penelopes, Reeses, Fionas and Iones thrown in for good measure. I dually loved and hated each female name that came up. Eventually, I started driving myself (and Joshua) a little crazy with my constant research and chatter about names. So we decided to stop trying.

Two months before Alma was born, we said that we would leave the name up to inspiration on the day that the baby was born. Although, I had lapses back into the freak-out, like when I spent 3 hours at the bookstore on my due date looking at baby naming books. So when we packed up our things for the hospital, we included a list of 26 girl names that we liked with our initials besides the ones that were our top picks.

After we gave birth and we were sitting in the delivery room together with no one else around, the conversation went something like this:

"What do you think about names?"
"I'm not sure. Do you think she looks like an Alma?"
"Why not?"
"Well, then I think that should be her name."
"Sounds good."
"Wait, let me just look at the list and make sure that she doesn't look like any of the other names ... (*looks through list of names again*) ... yup, she's an Alma."
"Well, hello Miss Alma!"

And she did, and still does, look like an Alma.

We both love the name Alma for multiple reasons:
  • Alma means "soul" in Spanish, which is a nice combination of the work that Joshua did in the Spanish-speaking churches of Coachella (southern California) and still does in Camden, New Jersey.
  • Alma means "nourishing" in Latin (as in alma mater which translates to "nourishing mother"), which I feel is appropriate title for most first-born daughters who end up being "little mamas" in the family.
  • When I worked at a homeless shelter for young women and their children in Eugene, Oregon, one of the little girls was named Alma. She was such a great little spirit and made me quickly fall in love with the name, which was new to me at that time.
  • Just last week, I learned that Alma means "apple" in Kazakh. While it may seem silly, this really excited me because when I was in college I thought that Apple would be a cute middle name for my future imagined daughter. Then Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple and it ruined my plan as I didn't want folks to think I was copying a celebrity. So learning that Alma means apple, even in a language I don't speak, is kind of exciting.
  • Lastly, it is just cute name that we think will transition well into adulthood.
Now we just have to figure out how to pronounce it ... but that's a matter for another day.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy Two Months!

We are still enjoying our new addition to the family. I mean, who couldn't enjoy a face like this:
Or this:
Or who takes naps on you like this: