Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Our sweet James seemed to develop a new skill (or tooth!) every day recently.  While Joshua was away in California and Seattle, James learned to crawl backwards rather quickly, is no longer able to be contained by any of the baby chairs (he wriggles and rolls his way out of them almost immediately), is constantly on the floor doing an extreme plank move that is more like downward dog, is eating more solid food items (e.g. smashed banana without any milk added), and had four top teeth peek through his gums. 

Alma has been adjusting quite a bit recently.  She has been slow to warm up to new people and even feeling shy around people she knows well, she has been asking for more time in our arms and has developed a bit of a whine.  It seems to be a combination of being in lots of new environments (e.g. traveling), coming to terms with the decreased amount of attention now that she is a big sister, and her age.  Joshua also pointed out that she may be reacting to some of my sadness about her starting at a preschool in the fall.   While it is only two half days a week, it is difficult for me to not be emotional about her growing up and doing things without me.  We are starting to gear up for her transition to a toddler bed and the start of potty training.  All the things we have been putting off as she adjusts to being a big sister.  

In other news, she can now do a forward roll, talks nearly constantly (often asking for and telling stories) with a great use of pronouns and sometimes a Boston accent, and is still very willing to include James in everything we do.  I'm so grateful for her enthusiasm, tenderness and love for her family; it continues to be an inspiration to me.

Joshua received exciting work-related news a few weeks ago as he learned that CUNA will be part of large $14.3 million grant for work related to health care.  You can read more about it here.  The grant will bring $1.4 million in funding to the Allentown area.  Joshua worked hard to make this grant happen and I'm so proud of him for it.

My big update is that I've been working out much more frequently recently.  On Saturday mornings, Joshua has been wrangling the kids so that I can attend a crossfit class that helps me find group motivation and get a good muscle workout.  Moreover, during the week, I've been quickly heading over to the gym two mornings a week to work out on the elliptical machine.  And last week, on the Fourth of July, I was able to go to a yoga class a great studio that really kicked my bum.  It feels so good to move again after such a long, difficult pregnancy and then months of adjusting back to not being pregnant.  I'm so grateful to Joshua for his support and encouragement.  I would not be able to prioritize these activities, which keep me sane along with helping me to stay healthy, without his assistance.

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