Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Our little sickies

In the last week, the Chisholm kiddos have received the following diagnoses:

* Wood tick (still attached, engorged, still alive) -- Alma
* Hand, foot and mouth -- James and, to a lesser extend, Alma
* Lyme disease -- James
* Molluscum contagiosum -- Alma

Poor kiddos.  Everything will be fine in the end (fingers crossed) but in the meantime they are going through a rough patch.  Luckily, they are chipper and you would be hard-pressed to know that they were sick.

Please keep James and Alma in your prayers so that we can get back to enjoying our summer and not just the pediatrician's office.  Thanks!

1 comment:

Grericag said...

Oh my, poor kiddos!! I will definitely pray for them to recover quickly. xoxo