Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Photo update

Patrick and Carrie, who are getting married in just over a month, stopped by a few weekends ago for a visit. We were able to have an impromptu bbq with them, our former apartment neighbors Robin and Bobby and our current neighbors Erin and Randy, which was super fun. Patrick and Carrie gave us our first baby gift. It was wild how overwhelming this gift felt to both Joshua and me. It just seemed unreal that, in less than six months, we will have a little body to put inside that baby outfit. What a wonderfully mind blowing thought.

On Memorial Day, we were able to attend my cousin Peter's chili cook off and beer fest. Joshua made a big batch of chili and we had a fun time hanging out with Peter's family and neighbors, including the adorable and dinosaur-growling Sine, pictured below.

One recent evening, around 8 at night, we were suddenly plagued with the burning desire to build a trellis for the flowers and ivy that have been booming in the planters I built last summer. We are excited for the ivy to grow up (literally) and cover the wall with foliage.

Lastly, some folks have been excited to see my pregnancy bump. Even though I'm now 15 weeks along, I'm not showing much. Here's me showing Shanti my belly after I went on an enjoyable walk in the rain with Joshua and Simon. She was unimpressed.

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