Monday, November 14, 2016

Thursday, November 3, 2016


While we were so sure that we would only be renting for a year, after a year here we are finding that we are content in this home -- the children love it because with the small space we are always close together -- and are putting plans to purchase a house on hold for (at least) another year.

Update: Alma brought home this story she wrote in class, completely confirming her love of our current rental.

My mom went on a web site and we fawnd a house.  I helpt my mom find one.  I slept in my new bed.  It was soft.  Then we loct for a school.  We fawd a school that had Val and Fernanda and Ana Maria.  I liked that school so muth because there were so many friends there.  And my dad was dawn stairs.  I love my new home.