Our offer on a lovely house in Malvern was accepted. We have waited two years to purchase a home in the area because we really wanted to choose something that was just right -- right layout, right price, and in the right location (meaning, it needed to be close to the Chester Valley Trail). I've been aggressively looking this summer but nothing quite worked (even though we put offers on multiple houses). About a month ago, we decided that it wasn't going to happen this year and we resigned ourselves to waiting until next summer.
Wanting to give ourselves a break from endlessly looking (but ever the optimist), I circled a small section of a small neighborhood and declared that we would only look at those homes if listed at a great price. When this one was posted, we went to visit it that day, instantly knew it was a winner and beat out the other five bids that night.
If all goes according to plan, we'll move in at the end of September. Hooray!