Sunday, January 30, 2022
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Friday, January 28, 2022
RIP: Shanti Grey
Poor Shanti Cat had a stroke a few weeks ago (before Alma's birthday) and never fully recovered. While she made some progress, her quality of life deteriorated to the point where it was kinder to say goodbye to her.
This has been difficult for all of us, but mostly for James, who has been the biggest fan of Shanti (and cats in general) since he was a little guy. Every time he has needed some comfort, he could always count on her company. And, honestly, she seems to like him best, too.
We will all miss her so much.
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Winter Concert: Tuesday, January 11 at 6:30 pm EST
Message from Alma's school:
Below is the link for Winter Concert Live-Stream. This event is NOT being recorded and it will not be viewable in the future.
Directions for use – The viewer will just need to click on the link and the live-stream will begin. Depending on the device they are using it may tell them to download the app … they will need to do this to view the concert. We recommend trying the link ahead of time to get it ready to view at showtime. If everything is working correctly, they will get a message saying “The Live event has not started yet”.
2022 GVMS Winter Instrumental Concert – meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ NWJhNzBlNWYtMGVmYy00MjJiLWFiNm MtMjA5ZmJmZmI3Mjgy%40thread. v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a% 22e7c0587d-3c04-4cdb-acfd- e0928969fd2c%22%2c%22Oid%22% 3a%22172115e5-566c-4f5e-9f28- 9f87c30ac9a6%22%2c% 22IsBroadcastMeeting%22% 3atrue%7d&btype=a&role=a
I look forward to seeing you all at our concert next Tuesday, January 11th!
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