Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Vacation Week in the Pacific Northwest

Celebrating Hayden's Birthday (#2!) at Volunteer Park in Seattle

Fourth of July at Elk Lake, Oregon

Rock climbing at Smith Rocks in Oregon
(This is a photo of one of Emily's first climbs!)

It was so fun hanging out, climbing and getting painfully dirty together. Although that isn't dirt on Joshua's upper lip ... it's the newest facial hair plan: a mustache!

The Chisholm Family Reunion (only have a photo of the West Coast contingent of the party)

Babysitting Hayden for the day -- Joshua and Hayden helped finish off the sandbox David made by transporting the sand.

Oh man, we had such a fun time last week. Now we are back in the muggy weather of Philadelphia to finish up the major work on our house, move our belongings, get back to work and daydream of our next vacation.

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