Monday, November 26, 2007

Giving Thanks 2007 Spectacular

We always have lots of lovely people over for dinner, but we often forget to take pictures of the entire crowd. This is probably a good thing because who really posts blog entries about what they do all the time ... except for everyone who lives in Seattle and us, I guess.

Anyway, even though we have no photographic evidence of it, the weekend before Thanksgiving we had a lovely dinner with some of my Whelihan cousins -- David, Michael and Alexis -- and also Brian, Bridgette and TBD. Mike and Alexis were able to visit with us for the weekend. What a great couple, easy guests and a fun time!

This year’s day-of-eating-too-much was wonderful. Brian, Bridgette, TBD (the non-born baby), Charlie (the teen-angst dog), Joshua and I spent the long weekend with my parents in Carlisle among the fall colors.

We were able to enjoy a wonderful (and traditional!) meal together with one of the student from Dickinson College, John Paul.

Celebrate Mom’s 35th birthday!

Watch Flicker (TBD) push on Bridgette’s belly.

Eat mass quantities of the povitisa Joshua made last weekend.
And play with the dog in the backyard.
All in all a great weekend!

EDIT: I cannot believe that I forgot some of the other exciting activities!
* Hershey Bear's Hockey
* and 9-ball in the basement ... although when Joshua beat Dad and I two games in a row, while still calling the balls by the color instead of the number, I'm not sure what that should be called.

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