Sunday, December 16, 2007

Game night

Fact #1: Game nights are always fun.

Fact #2: Game night when we play Curses can get out of hand.

Fact #3: Capturing how much fun game night is in picture form is both awkward and nearly impossible.

In the picture to the left, Kaitlyn is dancing with her arms, yelling like a drill sargent and has to act like she is in an earthquake every time Joshua speaks. Joshua, below, is constantly giving himself bunny ears and playing the electric guitar. Somehow all of this is super funny to us. I spent most of the evening laughing so hard that I was crying, which was a mess because my wrists were "super glued" to the top of my head and I had to speak like I had golf balls in my mouth.
Next game night, you will have to join us ... especially because Matt (unfortunately not pictured holding his nose and operating on a sponge carrot) brings really good cheese and crackers. And Sarah (above on the left) has an amazing falsetto.

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