Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Camden pastor to see bill signing in D.C.Camden pastor to see bill signing in D.C.

A pastor from Camden is expected to stand with President Obama today when he signs legislation expanding health coverage for children.

The Rev. Heyward D. Wiggins III of Camden Bible Tabernacle was invited by the White House yesterday to attend the signing of a bill reauthorizing the State Children's Health Insurance Program, commonly known as SCHIP, according to the group Camden Churches Organized for People.

In 2007, Wiggins testified before a congressional committee urging passage of a previous version of the bill. It was ultimately vetoed by President Bush.

- Matt Katz, Philadelphia Inquirer

Update: Here's video of CCOP's own Rev. Wiggins at the signing! He can be seen starting at the 18:54 mark. You should watch the whole thing to learn about the importance of this bill, which offers medical insurance to working families.

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