Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Why I love my Wife

In the time that we have had this website on several occasions Laura will write a post about me and our relationship.  Since she has already gone to bed for the night, this is my meager attempt to do the same for her.  Here are just some of the countless reasons why I love my wife.
  1. Her devotion and constant loving care of Alma (night and day). I don't know how she does it.
  2. She likes to watch UFC with me.
  3. The fact that our first date after the birth of Alma was to see Henry Rollins; keep in mind our first date ever was to watch semi-pro wrestling at a bar in Seattle.
  4. The fact that she let's me sleep in on the weekends, even though the reason I'm so tired is because I stayed up playing video games.
  5. Her constant support and patience with my work and the ever changing schedules.
  6. How she sings and dances in our hosue with Alma and Simon.
  7. Her commitment to family and keeping in touch with friends and loved ones through this website, thank you notes, letters, and gifts.
  8. Her intentionality with parenthood and married life and the desire to be the best mother and wife she can be.
  9. She laughs at my jokes, even when others just stare at me. I love making Laura laugh.
  10. And the best: she loves me and all my sillyness, my moods, my frustrations, and everything else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a "lurker" on your blog and never comment, but I just had to on this post. (By the way Alma is beautiful.) It is so nice to know that there are other couples out there so committed to each other and their family. Everyone should be so loved and cherished. It would alleviate a lot of the worlds ills. Isn't marriage wonderful? Blessings to your family.