Monday, August 9, 2010

8 Months

Alma updates:

  • Officially crawling and pulling up to her knees.  She has a very traditional crawling stance (meaning, she isn't doing the army crawl or the worm but a very structured baby crawl).

  • Lots of falling down, especially when she is tired and forgets how heavy her head is or tries to pull up using very unsteady object like our kitchen stools.  Also, she may end up breaking my nose one of these days as she often lets her head come crashing down when she is crawling over me. 

  • Much more vocal these days.  Instead of just grunts and babble, it sounds more like the beginnings of words.

  • Five teeth (two on bottom, three on top) with another top tooth coming through this week

  • Weighed in at 17 lbs, 15 oz at the doctors.  This is only 4 oz more than two months ago.  The doctor said that it is nothing to worry about and may be that she isn't interested in eating as much because it is so hot.  (Also, I will admit that the five teeth are providing me with less of an incentive to want to nurse her as often.)

  • Since we have to be out of the house for showings, we have spent a lot of time with the dog in parks this past month.  Alma's a champ at going with the flow, which I could not appreciate more during this stressful time.  Although, if I have to take her in and out of the car seat too many times, that can sometimes lead to some fussing.  But everything is better once the car starts moving and she can drift off to sleep.

  • While playing by herself, Alma often pauses to reach out and touch (and drool a little on) my arm. You know, to make me feel included.

  • This month we enjoyed our first mom and daughter breakfast together at the Full Moon Cafe in Bethlehem before we spent the day driving by houses that are for sale. I had the french toast while Alma enjoyed a paper napkin. 

  • Since she was only a few months old, we noticed that Alma will keep kicking a surface if it makes a good noise. It was neat to see her discover the hardwood floors a few weeks ago.

  • This month, I got an awful cold which made me realize how much energy goes into taking care of the baby. Alma also had a cold for a few days which, along with the three teeth that "erupted" did not make her the happiest camper (or best sleeper) for a few days. 

  • While we were at Old Navy getting some cheap unstained tee-shirts for me, Alma started grinding her teeth. Oof, I hate that noise! Luckily, she hasn't had many repeat performances.

  • Alma hasn't figured out that she can take her pacifier out of her mouth, which is great for keeping other things out of her mouth, like her current favorite plaything: sticks. 

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