Saturday, October 20, 2018

Recent Update

Nearly three years ago, I started at the small Catholic school near our home in Malvern thinking that all Catholic institutions were the same.  I wanted the dedication to social justice and service that I experienced at Loyola when I was an undergraduate student.  I quickly realized the differences in the organization and came to accept the dedication to hospitality, embraced the relaxed nature of my supervisor, and came to love writing grants with faculty that enhanced the student experience.  Unfortunately, that supervisor was let go and our department was cycled through five bosses in 12 months (ugh) with the final supervisor and I not seeing eye-to-eye on the direction of grants.  

While it was tempting to grit my teeth and simply get through my doctoral program, a position at another Catholic institution that was just down the street and known for a very strong commitment to social justice was hiring a Director of Grants and Foundation Relations.  I went to the interview willing to listen but unconvinced that yet another change in our lives would be a good idea.  The last three years: moving to Malvern, changing jobs, starting a doctoral program, buying and moving to a house, .... such that the prospect of changing jobs again sounds like too much.  

In the end, they won me over with their Center for Immigration, Center for Social Justice, Center for Childhood Trauma and Domestic Violence, and Center for Global Learning.  Their mission -- not just of talking about social justice issues, but getting students to act in the direction of their values -- runs through everything.  While I've only been there a month, it seems like a special place.  I'm hoping to make it my long-term "home" and am even in the midst of switching over to their doctoral program.  

Since I took a break from the doctoral program for this school year, the kids and I have been endlessly adventuring on the weekend: Philadelphia Zoo, sailing at Marsh Creek, hikes at Valley Forge and Hibernia Park, Lehigh Valley Zoo, bike rides, games of Pokemon with James, boardgames from my youth (The Game of Life, Clue, Othello), birthday parties and endless reading (wrapping up Harry Potter, book 3 now).  I am making up for all of the weekends when I had to excuse myself to write a term paper.  While I know I'll be going back to school in a few months (I'll start in the summer of 2019), it's been glorious to have a break.  The kids are such a fun age.  

Below are some recent photos: Sailing, the Philly Zoo, the kids working together to craft their Halloween costumes, the inside of the building where I work (my office door is pictured -- on the second floor, above the grand piano)

1 comment:

Grericag said...

I was so stoked to hear about your new job - yay!!! It certainly sounds like it is meant to be :) Plus your office building looks wonderful! I love getting caught up on some of your recent pictures and happenings. I hope we can get in touch this week and catch up on the phone! Love and miss you tons!!!