Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Lego Tuesday

After their morning shows (Too Cute on Animal Planet and Teen Titans on the Cartoon Network), we had breakfast as a family, went on our usual 2-mile walk, went on a 4-mile bike ride while Joshua mowed the lawn, had lunch of leftovers, and then the kids spent the afternoon creating a battle between good guys and bad guys in James's room. 

While I snapped the first photo, I love the photos they took of the pre-battle setting, which took approximately four hours to set up.  Their perspective is so wonderful.

In the evening, we had dinner of crepes, turkey bacon, and mashed sweet potatoes, played Exploding Kittens, and then watched an episode of Chopped.  We are trying to keep a Spring Break energy in the house, with more tv time, small desserts every night, and plenty of time together during the day.  It's tough to miss out on a real vacation but they are, as always, rolling with the changes without complaints. 

Alma checks in daily about our plans regarding Pine Grove, which is scheduled for June, and our family trip to Oregon, scheduled for July.  She wants to ensure that the tradition of Pine Grove isn't ruined by COVID-19 and she is really excited to see Grandma Chisholm, Grandpa Henry, the Fuijimotos, and Emily during the summer.  Fingers crossed these plans can still happen.  We will see....

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