Saturday, June 6, 2020


When I no longer have children in the house, I just know that I am going to wonder, "What did we do all day when the kids were younger?" For the sake of posterity, here is a typical Saturday's activities: 
  • Children watch Teen Titans and played video games (Lego Harry Potter and Lego Star Wars) while Joshua and Laura did some work on the computer.  
  • Breakfast as a family -- children ate homemade honey whole wheat toast (James with the crust cut off, Alma's with butter); Joshua ate his usual of plain Greek yogurt and mixed nuts; Laura had runny eggs and toast with a little salt and pepper.
  • James and Laura baked blondies with cut-up chocolate Santas (from Christmas) and marshmallows while Joshua finished mowing the lawn (Laura started the process yesterday but then had to stop due to rain) and Alma made little Aquabead figurines at the dining room table.
  • James, Alma, and Laura went for a bike ride along the Chester Valley Trail to an empty parking lot to chase each other around, stopping for a while to eat snack bars and chat; Joshua cleaned up large branches that recently fell in the yard due to the recent storms.
  • Once home, because it was hot, Alma jumped into the shower and then both children enjoyed mango sorbet bars before having lunch of leftover homemade pizza and blondies; Joshua completed a workout in the gym and the kids joined him towards the end of his workout.
  • James and Joshua played Pokémon while Alma started the kids' laundry and then she and Laura colored/drew together while listening to pop music in the family room.
  • Laura did a workout in the gym while James and Alma completed a circuit workout, with Alma joining most of Laura's Purenergy guided workout.
  • Laura and the kids went outside to do yardwork of pulling up the remaining roots in a circle that was previously ivy, which they are planning to plant with grass seed, and, deciding the project was too challenging for how hot it was outside, decided instead to run around the yard shooting each other with water guns (a recent half birthday present to the kids).
  • After two rounds of filling up the medium-sized guns, they went inside to a dinner of delicious hamburgers on store-bought buns that Joshua had put together.
  • After dinner, the whole family cleaned up and the kids got their pajamas from the dryer.  
  • With everyone in the living room, Laura read two chapters of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe while Alma brushed and designed her hair into neat styles.
  • The kids and Laura enjoyed another small blondie and then the kids and Joshua watched a cooking competition tv show while Laura did some schoolwork.  
  • After the show, the kids brushed their teeth, and Laura and Joshua tucked them both into bed for the night.
  • Laura and Joshua watched a few episodes of Key and Peele and that was Saturday, June 6th, 2020.

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