Wednesday, July 1, 2020

COVID-19 update

While I know that plenty of books will be written about the COVID-19 pandemic, I just wanted to share this one chart from the Chester County Dashboard, which I've been watching closely since the stay-at-home order began.  Chester County is now in the "green phase" in which most businesses are open, with restaurants only offering outdoor seating, and everyone in Pennsylvania required to wear a mask if they leave their house and cannot remain at least six feet from members of other households.  Our family has still remained very isolated with only Joshua going to the grocery store once a week and occasionally his school for small group staff meetings. 

It has been an odd spring turning into an odd summer.  I'm thankful for our governor making strong choices that have lessened the burden of this pandemic on our community.  I pray that federal leadership and leaders in other states can also be prudent during this tenuous time. 

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