Monday, August 30, 2021

First Day of School

James started fourth grade with Mr. Josh as his teacher again.  Alma started sixth grade at the local public middle school, going from an entire elementary school of approximately 25 students to a school of over 1,200 in grades 6, 7, and 8.  While this transition sounds bonkers, she handled it like a champing, meeting other students quickly.  We are so proud of both children and excited to see how they continue to grow in the coming academic year.

This is the second year of starting school with COVID-19 protocols such as masks, distancing, etc.  

We were so excited to see the Thompson crew for lunch and cake at our house before we went to see Maddie play in a soccer tournament.  Alma recreated our wedding cake for our 15th anniversary.  This one was 100% tastier and better looking!

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