Friday, April 6, 2007

We aren't in Seattle any more, Toto.

We finally cashed in on all of our REI gift cards from the wedding registry and some past holidays. The almost $700 in gift cards helped us to obtain great loot including a .3, .5, 2 and a 3 cams (Moms, you don't have to understand that), a kick-ass water filter, "adrenaline" hiking socks, and a few other items. We still have some funds left which will go towards a GPS device for sailing once the systems upgrade in July.

Thank you all for the awesome gifts!

One interesting part of going to the REI in New Jersey was having the climbing department employee seek us out to ask about placement of sport gear and then have the shoe department gentleman ask Laura about sailing schools in the area. In Seattle, we became accustomed to REI employee's intensity and huge body of knowledge. It is odd to be considered the "experts" here on the East Coast. Just the mere mention of the fact that we came from Seattle seems to give us this prestigious title. Weird because we are so not the experts ... Joshua still isn't even sure how to spell "expert"!

1 comment:

Patrick said...

At first glance, I thought you had made an insanely large Dreamcatcher.