Monday, April 27, 2009

CCOP Breakfast Fundraiser

The Camden Churches Organized for People (CCOP) Annual Fundraiser Breakfast event went well! Located along the Camden waterfront at the aquarium, it was a great time to hear about the recent work of CCOP and get a sneak peek into future projects. Even though I hear about CCOP every night, during the year-end recap at the breakfast, I'm always blown away by the magnitude and scope of the work that is being accomplished by the Camden churches with the backing of CCOP. The list of recent "wins" is always so impressive. I couldn't be more proud of the work that Joshua is doing.

Here is the "team photo" of Joshua and his staff. What a great bunch. (l-r: Joshua, Kaitlyn, Jerri, Edward)
Here's to another year of great CCOP work!

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