Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pregnancy Update

As of Monday, I am in my 19th week of pregnancy. Everything is going really well thus far.

Morning sickness: As much as I hate to do it, I have to admit that my "morning sickness," which usually happens at night, has not gone away. During the day, I feel fine, but at night (around 7 p.m.) it kicks in again. While the ... shall we say "active" sickness has subsided substantially, I usually feel sick to my stomach most evenings. Although, I find that if I have a very strenuous workout during the day (i.e. yoga class, hiking, etc), I feel much better at night. Overall, it is not such a problem and I've come to terms with the fact that this may just be part of my pregnancy story.

Weight: During my first trimester, I lost 2 lbs. Between the 12th week and the 16th week of pregnancy, I gained 5 lbs, making me just 3 lbs over my starting weight. Recently, I think that I have gained another 3 or 4 lbs. The doctor advised that I should be gaining approximately 0.5 lbs per week, with most of the weight coming on towards the end of the pregnancy. Seems like I'm right on track, which is good.

Cravings: When I was newly pregnant, I craved meat. So I ate a lot of hamburgers and meatballs for a few weeks. Once that subsided, I've been craving fruit. Sometimes I get an odd metallic taste in my mouth and then fruit takes horrible; but for the most part, I cannot get enough. Plus, Joshua is a great garbage disposal so he is always willing to polish off what I don't finish.

Belly: My belly has been growing ever so slowly. Some days it seems larger than others. On days when it seems larger, looking at myself in the mirror is like seeing myself in a wedding dress for the first time -- know it is going to happen, but odd to see it actually happening. Luckily, my belly is growing straight out so I look more pregnant than "beer gut" which is nice.

Readings: When people ask which books and websites I've been using to track the baby and the baby's process, I don't have much of an answer. While this isn't wholly true -- I peek at a week-by-week book along with -- I do have to admit that I feel a little separate from my pregnancy and find the texts to be too scary -- I'm not one to revel in stories of all the things that can wrong -- or unrelateable -- the fact that the baby is the size of a bell pepper does not seem to relate to my pregnancy process. Maybe when I can feel the baby moving around a bit more then it will seem more "real" but for now I'm just doing my thing and the baby is doing its thing. That arrangement seems to work well for us thus far.

Doctor's appointments: The results of my blood work/the initial screening for amniocentesis (i.e. to check for genetic disorders like Downs Syndrome) were good. While this doesn't mean that there is a 0% chance that the baby could have a genetic disorder, it does mean that the levels are such that the odds are very low. On the 20th of this month, we will go for another doctors appointment and then an ultrasound at the hospital. Both of my parents are coming along, which will be fun. This is the ultrasound where they count the number of fingers and toes. We are hoping to keep the gender of the baby a surprise.

Other baby news: My cousin David and his wife Jess had a 9 lb 11oz baby a week ago. Congratulations to them! Soon we will have three more babies added to the Whelihan side of the family = Mike and Alexis, Megan and Scott, Brian and Bridgette. All are due before our due date of November 30th.

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