Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Life with Joshua has been wonderful.  All the large events that happened since we met (moving cross country, marriage, school, buying a house, having a baby) along with all the small daily moments of love (rubbing my feet every night of our pregnancy, daily phone calls to check in with one another, running errands together since we hate to be apart) have created a stockpile of happy memories.  Sure, there have been challenges -- owning an older home or training a hyperactive dog are just two examples that come to mind.  However, we are blessed to know that we are fully invested in our joint future. 

A family member once called our love "revolutionary".  I have embraced how wonderful that description is.  It has been great to love with all my heart and know the feelings are returned as fully. 

And now our revolutionary love gets to continue on to the next generation with Alma. 

Joshua and I have recently been marveling that five years ago when we first saw each other (and even before then) Alma's potential existed in both of us.  It's neat to think that maybe her spirit has been just waiting around for us to get our own dramas and events out of the way before joining us.  How great that, in a sense, this little being who makes us feel even more in love with each other has always been with us. 

Love you, Joshua.  Thanks for being my life partner and Alma's fantastic father!

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