Thursday, April 25, 2013

16 Months

James has discovered a love of hugging.  He gives the best hugs, circling my neck with such fierce love that I can barely believe.  I could just live in that embrace.  He hugs us before we lay him down in his crib and when scared (usually of men who are strangers or loud trucks). 
James is still completely ball obsessed and, at times, will wake up from naps crying softly for a ball.  Too cute.
Swim classes have been going well.  He is in an intermediate class with mostly 2-year olds and is usually the strongest swimmer, going under water like a champ, trying to swim from my arms to the steps and jumping in from the side of the pool by himself (from a seated position, because he cannot jump).  He has a great, consistent kick and loves playing with balls in the water.
For one week in the past month, James started screaming during every meal.  He would point at everything on the table, scream and scream and throw his uneaten food until we would take him out of his seat ... then he would continue to scream, seeming to indicate that he was hungry.  Needless to say, it was completely frustrating and confusing for us.  Then one day, tired of trying, we gave him a bowl of food and a spoon.  He got quiet and just worked with the spoon trying to get the food in his mouth.  Solution!  It seems like he just wanted to join the rest of the family in using a utensil. Mealtimes are much more peaceful now.
When we aren't dancing or building blocks, James still loves to be carried around as much as possible in the house.  It seems to be that he doesn't want me to go around the corner into another room without him.  He is also fully obsessed with my bellybutton.  He wants to hold it when being held ... yeah, it's as awkward as you might think.  It started around the time that I started weening him so I think he just wants to be close to my skin and holding my belly button has become a similar comfort for him. 

Even though he loves to be held and cuddled inside the house, once we are outside he rarely wants to be held.  He walks at Alma's pace (pretty fast) and loves smelling all the flowers of spring.  He has been having a great time digging in the dirt and is always on the lookout for birds. 
He is such a little silly sweetheart.  I love his spirit, curiosity and love of nature and our family. 

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