Monday, September 2, 2013

Best Summer Ever: August 2013 Photos

A month of...
excitedly preparing for The Smiths's arrival, library time, a beach day in Ocean Grove (Alma and James loved being buried up to their waists), neighborhood lemonade stands, Musikfest rides, James's first try at painting, playgrounds, dressing up, walks around Moravian (chasing a rabbit, in some cases), Crayola gift bags from neighbors, lunches on the front porch swing (yes, that is James's version of smiling in the first photo), Staten Island for a birthday party with a trip on the Staten Island Ferry for fun, Pittsburgh (with Rio, playing baseball with a colander, blowing bubbles, backyard bbq, the zoo), the cutest little boy ever, running in every possible rain storm, large artwork projects, time with Nana and Grandpa before they vacationed up north, hosting my cousin's terrific family for an afternoon (and encouraging their daughter to jump off furniture and jump on beds!)

1 comment:

Grericag said...

What great photos!! Such a fun summer you guys had. Hopefully we will get to take a trip back east to see you guys - a trip to the beach in North Carolina, perhaps??