Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day Photos

Alma was excited to head back to her Montessori school this morning wearing her new dress.  Too bad we were fussing over Alma so much that James had to figure out his own morning fashion, which consists of taking off his pajamas (which interfere with holding his belly button) and whichever boots are closest at hand.  I think the look works for him.

Alma is getting so big.  So big that this morning when she tried to put on her shoes, they were too small.  All three pairs of shoes that she normally wears were suddenly too small (even though we tried them all on last week to make sure she was all set for school).  Luckily the neighbors had given me an extra pair a few months ago, which seemed to do the trick.  This week: shopping for new sneakers and ballet shoes for class which begins next Saturday

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