Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April continued

Okay, so a lot happened in April and I snapped all of it.  Here's what I missed in my last post via crappy cell phone pictures.
Joshua in his new car.  (side story: Our cars are now named Sarah (my red Matrix) and Duck (Joshua's silver Corolla) from the BBC radio program of the same name.  Although in googling it, I just found out that it is a British TV show.  Oh man crazy because we have always only listened to it online.)
 Making mud pies for Aunt Emily.  Why for Aunt Emily?  No clue but there was a song that went along with the process, which lasted over an hour on the first day of not-brutally cold weather.
 We finally grew a the plant Kate gave me when James was born so that it had flowers.  Usually it is just two green ... things (I'm not a hornaculturalist!) and has earned the nickname of "Bunny Ears."
 I made Alma a dress in an EcoMoms sewing class.  Alma refused to let me make the bow a normal size.  It reminds Joshua and I of Queen Amidala.
 We went to see The Wizard of Oz at DeSales University with cousins, which was awesome as usual.
 James had an Easter egg hunt at school.  The face paint was too cute ... and eventually permanently on his shirt sleeves (*grumble*).
 We went to a DeSales University baseball game with Nana and Grandpa in weather far too cold to actually watch the game. 
 James purchased his first toy with Easter money: Gordon the Train.  Not sure if he loves the train or the pamphlet which includes the pictures and names of all of the Thomas the Tank Engine Trains.  He easily knows 48 out of the 50 trains pictured.

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