Friday, March 8, 2019

Mrs. Singh

James's teacher, Mrs. Singh, has been out of the classroom recently as she recovers from minor surgery.  James has really missed her as they have a very sweet relationship.

Mrs. Singh loved having Alma in her class and always marveled that Alma was so well behaved, even though she was the child of a teacher (who Mrs. Singh believes are usually the worst children).  And, even though she had met James a number of times prior to welcoming him into her classroom, she was sure (as she has told us many times) that he would be especially bad -- not only was he the child of a teacher, he was the youngest child, and Alma was so good that he had to be a terrible child.  Ha!  This makes us laugh so hard.

Of course, James instantly won her over at the beginning of last school year and he continues to endear himself to her heart.  She adores him so much and is always singing the praises of both the children.  In fact, I've stopped going to parent-teacher conferences about James because it is just more of Mrs. Singh gushing over how great he is.

The other night, James told me that when he is working especially hard in the classroom, Mrs. Singh will recite a little poem for him that is something like, "James is so wonderful, I want to put him in a little box, and *kiss*kiss*kiss him for being so good."  I could tell that James treasures those moments of recognition. They have a very sweet relationship and I'm so grateful that both of my children have spent two years in Mrs. Singh's classroom.

Pictured above: James (top left), Geo and Alexander (top right), all 10 the students in kindergarten and 1st grade "Upstairs Classroom" (bottom photos)

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