Monday, December 7, 2020

Happy 11th Birthday, Alma!


Happy birthday, Alma, our delight.  This year, you can be summarized by the events and your actions on your birthday, including:

* Walking down the stairs slowly in the morning in order to marvel at the decorating Dad and I did (complete with a doughnut banner) in an attempt to match all the decorating you do for everyone else's special days;

* Going to school with joy and delighting in the secret treats given by your teachers, who know that being the "teacher's kid" comes with its own delights and challenges;

* During your birthday circle at school, your friends commented on how fair and kind you are to all;

* Eating burritos (rice, beans, and cheese) for your birthday dinner; 

* Making your own cake, which was a masterpiece of planning, persistence, and a willingness to try new things.  The three-layer lemon cake with buttercream frosting and a dripped white chocolate ganache was both beautiful and delicious;

* When Dad and I realized that we forgot to get candles for the cake, you helped to problem solve, suggesting that 11 tea lights could act as the substitute;

* Your most desired gift was a bow and arrow, which we were excited to give;

* Being aware that your little brother will feel sensitive/jealous of your birthday but asking in your thoughtful way if the day could remain focused on you instead of having to share the spotlight as you have done so many times in the past (that mature asking is one of your finest qualities);

* Opening James's gift of squirrel-themed earrings and immediately jumping up to give him a hug because you loved them so much.

We love you so much, sweet girl.  

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