Friday, December 25, 2020

Happy Birthday, James

James, how are you nine?  You are still our Bubbers no matter how much you have grown this year and how mature you are becoming.  

You are still as sweet, sensitive, and talkative as always.  Half the time, I barely have an idea what you are discussing as you jump between the inner workings of Minecraft, Pokemon, Warrior Cats, and Star Wars Legos.  It is always so kind of you to think that I might know what a Creeper is, what element a Charizard is, or the difference between an X-wing, Y-wing, or Tie Fighter.  By continuing to assume your mother has a baseline knowledge of these things, your stories of their adventures can continue at your rapid-fire rate.  While I don't always understand, I love your enthusiasm.

This birthday/Christmas you were excited to see all the presents people sent you, but you were also so thrilled to donate money to Heifer International (for chickens and bees) and gifts to all of us this year for Christmas.  You love math and seem to enjoy ruminating on how much value you can get for your dollar.  

This year you continued to advocate for yourself, are learning how to ask for what you want in a manner that works better, and are moving through the things you have to do with less fuss.  Usually, you hate every idea until you have started doing it.  Just in the last few days, you did not want to go sledding at the park, let me begin reading Little Women aloud, or take a shower.  But, once started, you excelled at sledding, exclaimed "I love this book!" after the first chapter, and had to be coaxed out of the shower after half an hour.  You are full-on with whatever you are doing.  Just as we called you "our 360 kid" when you were a baby, you are still similarly tempered.

You and Alma get along so well -- you are both each other's biggest fans, closest friends, and most consistent supports.  I hope that you remember how often the two of you spend hours together at the dining room table, enjoying a snack, laughing, and chatting non-stop.  While Dad and I love you both so much and imagine you both feel the same about us, your bond with Alma is unique and your love for each other is fierce.  You have confirmed with me a number of times that when Alma goes to middle school next year that she will still live at home, which gives you comfort.  

While this year has been isolating in many ways, you often declare that you believe the pandemic may continue for another two or three years.  This doesn't seem to bother you as you seem to have all you need -- your immediate family and pets close, your friends at school, and time to continue learning about whatever you are obsessed with that week.  Although you certainly miss your grandparents, aunts/uncles, and cousins, and travel, you are more than content to be a homebody for a bit.  We are so grateful for you, your energy, your ability to make us all laugh, and your one-of-a-kind nature.

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