Monday, April 22, 2024

Mrs. Fantastic

Just recently we celebrated Laura's birthday and stood in her corner as she transitioned out of Cabrini, and stepped into her new role at Delaware County Community College.  I'm often left awe-struck by all that Laura can do and how she carries herself on a day-to-day basis.  I'm constantly learning from her how to be a better parent, be more patient with myself and others, find and appreciate the joys in life, seek out new goals, think positively, and give yourself permission to be yourself.  She is a person who humbly takes on so much in her life and just asks for love, kindness, and some silliness in return.  Thinking of my wife, partner, and best friend I was reminded of a post I wrote about her 12 years ago.  The blog was my attempt at linking everyone in our little family to one of the Fantastic 4 members.  Here is what I shared about Laura:

On Thursday, May 3, 2012 


Mr. Fantastic.....Laura, in our family aka Mrs. Fantastic, is the leader, and like her Male counterpart, she has the power to stretch and bend with everything that life throws her way.  She can be everywhere at any given moment, holding babies, toddlers, groceries, barking dogs, and the cat by the scruff of the neck, all the while she is with another hand working on a computer doing research for work, paying our bills, doing our taxes, and finding amazing coupons to save us a few bucks.  I don't know how she does it and I love her all the more for it.

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