Monday, November 16, 2009

Pregnancy Update from Joshua

This morning Laura and I had the opportunity to go to the doctor again as well as check out the birthing floor at the hospital. Laura continues to move along in the labor process, showing more signs that everything is progressing well and that her "practice" contractions are productive.

We are taking each day at a time but feeling like it could still be a couple of weeks before the little one arrives.

The hospital seems like it will be great. During the walking tour on the birthing floor, they showed us the delivery room, the post-op room, the postpartem room, and the sign-in room.

Now there is one area that I'm strongly concerned about, they did not show us the landing strip where the storks arrive. I held back from asking the nurse who was giving the tour because I did not want to come off looking stupid and all the other couples seemed calm like they already knew where the birds land. Call me old fashioned but I hope they have not turned the stork landing process into a factory model. Remember the days when the stork would arrive at your home window and the new parents would have the chance to sit down with the stork for tea and cookies. Man, if they just show up with the baby and we don't get any stork time I will be pissed, mark my words!

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