Friday, May 7, 2010

5 Months

Alma updates:
* Alma is still as intently interested in the world as ever. We receive many comments about how big her eyes are, but we also have many people remark on how observant Alma seems to be.  She loves watching the world go by and is happiest when we are out on long walks with lots to see.
* After many months of Alma enjoying the taste and company of only her fingers, one day I decided to see if she would take a pacifier.  She loved it!  We were shocked.  So now she likes it when we hand her a pacifier and she plays with it -- nibbling on both sides of it and taking it in and out of her mouth repeatedly to look at it.
* This month while her night time sleep schedule was completely wacko, her nap schedule started to take form.  A morning nap and an afternoon nap that each last an hour.  Having the consistency of these naps to look forward to is beyond wonderful.  I've been able to bake in the mornings and have a little down time in the afternoon. 
* Alma does long "tummy times" if she has a good view (usually the dog). She is an accomplished roller -- both ways -- but only if she wants to. The other day at baby yoga class, I was massaging her back and, since she wanted to see what was happening, she kept rolling over.
* She can crawl -- well, make forward movement -- by pushing her legs and smearing her face along the surface.  It doesn't last long, but if she can make her way to a toy and get it in her mouth, she is pretty happy.
* During baths, like most babies, Alma seems to enjoy kicking her legs.  The intensity on her face is comical.  Instead of smiling, she looks like she is in a physically demanding spinning class.

* Alma loves babbling to Simon. When she is crying, just looking at him can calm her down instantly. However, when Simon comes near, Alma blinks like crazy because his visits often result in a big wet kiss on her face.
* Alma isn't especially excited about toys that light up with music. She simply seems to endure it with a look of confusion. She loves watching her sheep-jumping-over-fences mobile as it spins silently (window fan blows it). After naps, she alternates between watching the mobile and looking at her Raggedy Ann doll while eating her toes. I can usually hear her cooing through the monitor.

* Most importantly, we continue to be head-over-heels in love with Alma.  It has been a joy to watch her grow and develop over these last five months.  We are so blessed to call her our daughter.

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