Sunday, May 9, 2010

Reflection on Mother's Day

As we celebrate my first official Mother's Day, I want to think back to this past month, which has been a bit more difficult than other months.

I'm slowly coming to realize how difficult motherhood is. I'm learning that it isn't a sprint but a long distance race where the rules change all the time. Once you have one part of the process down pat, something else changes. From naps to nursing to sleeping at night, there is something always in flux. It becomes a study of being okay with these changes, having faith that I don't always be sleep deprived or behind on emails, and knowing that Joshua will still love me even if he only sees me when I'm grumpy. So more like a long distance run while sleep deprived and questioning everything ... but it is somehow the best, most wonderful thing you could ever imagine doing. Seriously, being Alma's mother is one of the most exciting and fulfilling roles I have ever filled.  Just looking at her face for a minute realligns any negative thoughts and emotions I might be feeling.
I could not be happier to be on this journey of motherhood.

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