Tuesday, November 16, 2010


 Alma and I traveled out to Pittsburgh to visit Kate and Neal for almost a week.  What a fun trip!  Alma enjoyed her first flights by sleeping through them.
Since we were stuck in the Philadelphia airport for a bit, we got to play in the Please Touch Museum's airport for kids.  Alma was tempted to take our flights into her own hands.  She's pretty good at slapping buttons.  I'm such just a proud mama!

 We had a great time at the zoo...
... and Alma LOVED the aquarium!  But more than the fish, Alma loves her Auntie Kate.  She even said "Hi Kate" one day.  And Kate tried and tried to get her to say "VERDE" (green, in Spanish) in an operatic voice.  Alma would respond "ahh-YA!" which Kate counted as a win.
 And, as always, Kate had lots of fun touches during the weekend. Like champagne on the front porch!
 Unfortunately, Alma's seventh tooth came in (again -- her teeth seem to come, disappear and then come again), she had an awful bruise on her forehead from dropping a kitchen stool on her right before we left for our trip, she has a sty in her eye which makes it look puffy/red and she had (and then gave me) a yucky cold.  It was tiring to deal with a fussy baby.  But, heck, we were visiting a pediatrician so we were in good hands!
 We walked and enjoyed the beautiful fall leaves for several hours each day.  Walks are the perfect vacation activity.
 Alma (with crazy hat hair) enjoyed some kale.  Who knew roasted kale was so tasty?!
 Another great trip.  Thanks Kate and Neal!

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