Tuesday, November 23, 2010


You may have noticed a decrease in the number of postings recently.  This is both because we are busy -- running after Alma + being in random places while Alma snoozes because her crib is no longer a fun place to snooze these days (according to her, not me!) -- and because I keep adding things to our full plate of activities.  Like jobs.  Yes, plural.  Because spinning plates is fun!

For awhile now I've been working as a GIS consultant for a few non-profits.  That work comes and goes in fits and starts, which is great for me.  But now I've added a more steady position with the University of Pennsylvania's National Resource Centers.  I'm working as a evaluation coordinator making sure that they gauge their success so that their work continues to get refunded.  So far, it has been interesting and my work is valued.  Couldn't ask for more.  Moreover, I'm able to do all of this work from home (besides a few odd meetings in Philadelphia that will creep into our lives about once a semester) and still take care of Alma full time.  Not a bad deal, right?

It has felt great to make maps and think creatively.  I like remembering that I am more than just a wife, mother and an owner-lady.  Just my sewing room and this blog will have to be ignored on occasion and I think that is an okay trade.

All this being said, I have a bunch of cute photos that I am going to post over the next few days.  So stay tuned!

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