Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tiny Squishy

One of the funniest things I realized the other day was how small Alma is. I noticed some random moment as Joshua and Alma were walking though the dining room while I sat on the couch in the living room. Looking across the space, I was shocked to see how tiny she is compared to Joshua, the room, the dog ... she is just this little being. In my eyes and in my arms, she is everything. I'm usually so close to her -- either physically or simply engrossed in everything she does -- that I don't often take the chance to notice what a tiny little being I have with me all day. If I were an outsider to my own life, I would coo with envy. 
I love these all the headshots I take of her because I know that they will help me to remember the details of her face at each stage of development and all of the great facial expressions she makes. But recently I've also started snapping photos during our everyday events that show what an little whimsical being she is among the daily chaos of our lives. Here are my first two submissions to this photo pool:

At City Hall after a CUNA meeting
At Target with a giant ball she carried the entire time we were in the store, much to the delight of fellow shoppers

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