Saturday, September 26, 2015

Recent Quotes

Darth Vader

The other day, as our family was riding in the car together, Alma told us how her school friend Taylor said that Darth Vader was a bad guy and that he wears a mask because he is bald.  Alma was somewhat mystified that someone could get these basic facts wrong.  She told me she didn't correct Taylor "because she didn't want to brag."

Truthfully, I kind of agreed with Taylor.  But, giving Alma the benefit of the doubt, I asked her what the truth was behind these statements.  She informed me that Darth Vader had fallen in a volcano (hence the mask) and, most importantly, that Darth Vader is both a good guy and a bad guy.

Joshua was so proud.

Hair Color

A parent helper at James's school was intrigued by James's very blond hair color and asked him what color hair his mother had; he said red.  When ask what his father's hair color was, he said that Joshua didn't have hair so didn't have a hair color.  Ha!

1 comment:

vickie said...
