Sunday, October 18, 2009


We have been blessed to live on a street full of great people. The above picture, taken at one of our recent game nights shows (l-r) Erin, Randy, H, Dottie, Joshua and my belly. Sadly, our friends Dottie and H are moving at the end of the month.

When they moved onto the block a year ago, I was so excited to have another young couple within close proximity that I very quickly invited them to dinner. Thinking that we were the over-zealous, super-conservative, over-bearing, aggressively-neighborly types, they seemed a little hesitant to join us. However, when we had them over for dinner, along with our friends Robin and Bobby, who are a wonderfully welcoming couple who had just recently been married, Dottie and H seemed surprised. In the last year, we have had many great meals, watched a good number of sports games, and enjoyed their friendship immensely. While our schedules haven't always aligned, it has been great to have them around for neighborhood gossip, tips on how to train Simon and enthusiastic waves from our front porches. Just to know that they were down the street has always been reassuring. We will miss them. Although, I'm sure that we will continue to see them occasionally.

We are blessed to have made friends with H and Dottie and we wish them luck as they move back to Central Pennsylvania!

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