Friday, March 7, 2008

Shanti Turns 2 ... or 8!

Since we adopted Shanti from a shelter, we aren't sure of her birthday. Therefore, based on the vet's estimate of her age, we decided that March 2nd was her wonderfully made-up birthday. It works out well, because that is our dating anniversary. Moreover, it is so close to Valentine's Day and our 1/2 anniversary of marriage that we have an excuse to celebrate all of these almost-holidays into one real celebration.

As Shanti celebrated her 2nd fake birthday with new ball that includes "real bird noises!" when it rolls, we celebrated our 3rd dating anniversary by going to the Star Wars exhibit at the Franklin Institute of Science. It was really amazing -- we would highly recommend it! It included the spaceship models they used during filming, videos explaining how the movies were made and tons of costumes. It was neat to see Joshua's face light up when we walked into the room with all of the displays.

So happy birthday, Shanti, and happy couplehood, us!

When we first met Shanti, she had the flu and could only open one eye. Too cute!
When we first met each other, we had different ideas on how to make a monkey face. (At Monkey Face Rock, during our first climbing trip to Smith Rock, Oregon.)

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